Self Growth
Book Club
Part book club
Part class / workshop
Part community
Why join this book club?
Because you will experience more fun, get more value, meet like minded mindful people, and improve your life!!
The SGBC will solve these common problems:
Making time to read
Finishing books
Questions and clarification
No one to talk to
Lack of Community
Integration to make real & lasting change
Sign up to know the schedule!
We meet 3-4 times (depending on the book)
Each session is approximately 90 minutes
Sessions open with short meditation
1st half is teaching & Activities
2nd half is discussion
Full Group Q & A
Small Breakout Groups
Optional to go over time to continue discussion
Example Books
Emotional Agility
Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life
Susan David, PhD
Coming Alive
4 Tools to Defeat Your Inner Enemy, Ignite Creative Expression & Unleash Your Soul’s Potential
Barry Michels & Phil Stutz
Emotionally Immature parents
Practical Tools to Establish Boundaries & Reclaim Your Emotional Autonomy
Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD
Who’s the teacher and guide?
It’s me, Chase Brock :)
You can learn more about me and my background on my About Me page.
I have a master’s in education and 15 years of teaching experience at the high school level. I’ve taught & co-taught many books to students from all walks of life and different learning styles. I am very good at taking complex topics and simplifying them in an easier to digest manner. My speciality was creating and adapting complex general education curriculum for neurodivergent learners.
I have a huge passion for self growth and have read many, many books. I’ve been interested in self help / self growth since I was in high school myself. Some of the first books I ever read in this category were Jonathan Livingston Seagull & Illusions by Richard Bach, The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo, No Eyes by Mary Summer Rain. I was hooked.
Like everyone, I had my fair share of trauma. As a kid, I experienced c-ptsd, emotional neglect, parental divorce / affairs, authoritarian parenting, and more. I’ve worked very, very hard to understand and make progress on my traumas. I’ve experienced; painful breakups, tackling an insecure/avoidant attachment style, fear of change, repressed emotions, disconnection from my emotions, perfectionism, procrastination, ADHD, chronic loneliness, and more.
My healing journey started when I was in high school and my effort to work on myself has shifted many times from not at all to the highest priority. The last three years of my life have been the MOST concerted effort on my healing journey. It’s as if I’ve packed in 15 years of growth in 3. I dedicated most of my time and energy to my healing journey. Alongside my personal work, I also work with a therapist and coaches.
There’s only so much progress we can make if the only work we do is meeting with a therapist or coach. The work we do on our own & with others is where the real magic happens. If you only went to the gym once a week with your physical trainer, you will make progress. If you continue to do the work 5 days a week solo and in groups, you will see a massive increase in progress.
My goal with this book club is to create structure, guidance, and a place for us to share the stoke of self growth and to help each other along our healing journeys. I will make reading, understanding, and integration of the concepts much easier. We will learn so much from each other. This is why I will only teach 50% of the time. The community discussion and sharing is vital.
This is for anyone with curiosity and motivation to learn and improve their life.
The SGBC is priced similarly to many online classes. There are two different ways to be involved. One book at a time pricing, and membership pricing. Each class (book) will vary between $150-$200. Members agree to pre-purchase 3 classes for $400. Saving between $150-$200.
Most tradional book clubs meet once per book and are usually discussion with a moderator. This is a hybrid class / club. We meet 3-4 times per book. And each book will be taught with activities. The goal is diving much deeper and learning how to use what we learn by integrating it into our lives. This also enables you to not read at all and get tons of value!
You are in the right place. The teaching portion of the class will catch you up. After the teaching, you will be prepared to join the discussion. You are encouraged to read as much as possible, but it’s not required.
You’re in the right place. I teach this class in a way that it doesn’t matter if you read or not. You can look at this as a class where you just show up, learn, and discuss.
Yes! This is for you! The hybrid class/club is designed to teach you the entire book. Think of this as a class where you show up to listen, learn, and discuss. The teacher will never talk too long, there are activities, discussion, and small group work. I have ADHD and the class is designed for all learners. Reading is always encouraged and you might get a bit more out of it, but it’s not at all necessary. Replay’s are available in case you miss part of class or zone out :)
Yes! You will get access to the entire teaching portion of the class. You will have access to the full group discussion and Q & A. You will not get individual break-out room discussions.
Yes! Absolutely. You can attend the teaching portion and the large group Q & A. When it’s time for smaller group discussions, you are welcome to disconnect or even better you stay in the large group area, turn your camera off, and journal about what the small groups discuss. Or you can watch the replay.
Yes! The replay will be available. You can watch all of the teachings and full group Q & A. You can journal about whatever the small breakout groups discuss.
Head over to my contact page and send me an email! I would be happy to answer your questions!