ADHD Coaching for parents

Dear Caregivers and Parents,

Raising kids with ADHD is hard. Did you know there are strategies you can learn and implement that will help relieve family stress, and will also teach your kids extremely valuable life skills? As a public school teacher, I spent many a late night coaching and helping parents learn how to help their ADHD children do better, feel better, and thrive.

You will learn how to design and support your family’s environment.

I have a master’s degree in special education and over a decade of experience (1st grade - High School). I specialized in ADHD, behavior strategies and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).


Younger kids do respond well to mindfulness training through mindfulness games and activities, but if the home & school environment are not conducive for their ADHD, it’s not going to bring the desired results.

Coaching younger kids is tough. Coaching parents, caregivers, & teachers is much more effective.


I will meet you where you are and help you:

  • Create more structure

  • Develop organization systems

  • Incorporate mindfulness into the day

  • Create routines (morning, after school, evening, etc)

  • Design the child’s room (no tools required)

  • Develop habits to support focus

  • Identify ADHD tools / equipment / toys that can help

  • Refine your child’s nutrition

  • Develop conflict resolution skills

  • Learn communication strategies (verbal and non-verbal)

  • Learn how to lower your stress

  • Develop self-care routines for you

  • And more!!!