ADHD Coaching

for Teens & Adolescents


One of the most effective ways to help teens.

Learning mindfulness skills will help them the rest of their lives in every single thing they do!

I offer a 4, 8, or 12 week mindfulness program for teens.

I’ve adapted curriculum from Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, MBSR and more.

I’ve taught mindfulness & yoga in public schools to small groups of kids with ADHD & other behavioral challenges. I’ve also worked 1:1 with adolescents. I specifically worked with middle and high schoolers.

I’m very good at building rapport and connecting with students. It’s one of my strengths. Convincing male, high school students with behavioral disabilities to honestly try yoga / mindfulness & then continue week after week …. that is no easy task. But I have successfully time after time.

Surf The Reaction teen ADHD coaching build rapport and healthy boundaries


I listen, I speak to them with respect, I ask them questions, I pay close attention. I learn what’s troubling and challenging them and then I connect ways to help them make changes. I’m kind, compassionate, and create a calm & safe space. When they decide they want to change, that’s the ticket. We cannot make anyone do anything that they don’t want to do. Effective Buy-In is an essential part of the coaching program.


Group Coaching for Teens and Adolescents

I’m only offering 1:1 coaching at this time. There will be group programs in the future. Please join the waitlist.

I also do coaching with adolescents that’s similar to college student coaching.